Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Sunny Sunday Torta

As it may be obvious, I was loading up on my meats before the start of Lent came around! It was a nice warm sunny Sunday afternoon, one of those completely lazy ones, when the hubster and I decided to go do some (window) shopping. And then the hunger sank in and we wanted Mexican. So he took me to his Taco Factory (I say "his" because we each have a Taco Factory by our workplace, however my Irvine one is... Let's say... catered towards Irvine, while his is in Santa Ana/Tustin. So in a way, more "authentic"). And yes, it was different from the one we frequent at work. Definitely more "authentic", if you will.

Of course I was going to get something meaty. I ended up chiding a carne asada torta (came with a side of chips) that was... Completely delicious. And way super filling! Two slices of bread filled with their sauce, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, carne asada and black beans (+/- $6.00)

The hubster went with their lunch special of a (choice of meat) enchilada, a (choice of meat) taco, side of rice, side of beans, side of tortilla chips, and a drink (+/- $6).

That was a totally filling lunch, and so tasty. I sure could go for a carne asade torta right about now...

- Posted mobile-y (please excuse the typos)

1 comment:

  1. YUM! I tend to always order a taco salad at Taco Factory, but may have to try something new the next time I'm there! :)
